Dump everything and get ready to dig and build with these free Construction Site Pretend Play printables.
School’s out for the summer and construction pretend play is a great way for kids to stay entertained! With this free construction pretend play printable pack, your kid can build their own construction site from the comfort of your home. Filled with construction scenes and colorful printables, it encourages creative play that can keep your little one busy for hours on end. Give them a construction hat and let them lose in their imagination with the construction scenes in this free printable pack!
Our construction pretend play printables include:
- Welcome Sign
- Working Hours
- Sign in Here Label
- Caution Tape
- Construction Hat
- Construction Labels
- And more!
Gather some hard hats, diggers, building materials and tools to add to your construction site in the dramatic play area.
Then print out as many construction printables as you need and label your pretend play area.
The perfect way to create tons of digging fun and learning!
Print out as many times as you need right from home or your nearest print shop!
If you’re also looking for more free Kids Activities like Pretend Play, Potty and Rewards Chart printables, you can check them out here!

What’s Included
- Construction Site Dramatic Play (the printable is available for free in the printable library – link below)
- x16 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
- High Resolution PDF file, 300 dpi

How To Assemble:
- Print out your construction site printables on cardstock or letter size paper. These images will also print on an A4 page (standard printing paper size)
- Laminate the pages and cut out the signs, labels, and name tags.
- Use our printables to label a dig site, supplies station, architect desk, a DIY spaceship with cardboard, a rocket building area, research lab and space food area. There are so many options.
You Will Need:
- Construction Dramatic Play Printables – download below (orange button)
- Colour Printer or Visit a Local Print Shop
- White Cardstock or Printing Paper: The ones I use I purchase from my local stationery store, Office Works. But this A4 Card Stock paper is perfect to use and print at home.

Looking For The Printable?
To Download The free construction dramatic play printables from this blog post please click the orange button below and you will receive the PDF download.
Should you encounter any digital hiccups along the way, fear not! Just right click on the button below and select SAVE LINK AS
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If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment below.
*The printables/ clipart are for private use only and are not to be resold & not for commercial use*
**All copyrights and trademarks of the character images used belong to their respective owners and are not being sold**
***I do not claim ownership over the characters used in my designs***
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